Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quito, the capital

Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to put another post up. I'm glad your enjoying it. This week has been crazy with the wedding but I'll put that up later.
On Wednesday night, I'm sleeping and I get woken up with a knock on my door at 11:30 saying, were leaving in 30 min to take a 8 hr bus ride to Quito. So I get up and pack some clothes, I don't even know what to bring. We sleep on the bus to Quito. And when we get there we take a taxi to the middle if the world. It is the only place where the latitude and longitude are both 0. Then we drove to to another part of the city and took a cable car to 13,500 feet. You could see the whole city and even an active volcano. It was so beautiful. After that we went to a huge market, where I haggled for prices, in Spanish no less, I'm not very good at it. I need help. But I got a ton of awesome stuff. The picture I have up of it is with a vendor that is a study in the language chetchua, I think I might be spelling it wrong. But it is a native language in the moutains. I saw her studying her bible teach book. It was so neat.
We went to this fruitaria after that. And I asked for a chocolate milkshake and they had never heard of such a thing. There was this little girl there and she screams 'chocolate milkshake!?' Like it's something discusting.
Then we left and took an 11:00 bus back to guayaquil. What a crazy day. I bought my tickets to go to the Galapagos islands! I'm so excited.
Oh, funny side note, we have ice cream trucks that have music playing, but their truck that plays music, is a garbage truck! So when you hear the tune you run around and collect your garbage! I don't think they have a set day to put it out. Ok chow. Hope you like the pictures.
El Mitad del Mundo, the Middle of the World 
Right side, northern hemisphere, left side, Southern
One foot in one world, One in the other
13,500 feet
The city of Quito
In the cable car
An active volcano
People bring their bikes to the top of the mountain and bike down.
I purchased my hamock from a bible student
Eating Ice cream from a street vendor
Very proud of my toilet paper purchase. It cost me 15 cents to use the bathroom. It only cost 10 cents for men. Whats up with that. Makes me think about the free bathrooms in the U.S.


  1. lol! i love the toilet paper purchase!

    1. Yeah, its actually a pretty common occurance here not to have toilet paper in the stalls. You need to get it before you go in.

  2. Dirt lanes to explore in service AND ice cream?? I'm so there. Sherry

    1. Yes! Bring your van! Though I m pretty sure it would get stuck here.

  3. Very cool! Beautiful scenery!

  4. Galapagos Islands?!?!?! When is that? I am sooooo jealous! Bathrooms are definitely an adventure.

  5. loving the pics! I can't imagine bargaining in Spanish! good job!! :)

  6. Wow! This all sounds exciting. I'm sure that the pictures and what you wrote cover a small glimpse of what actually happened but still... I'm so happy that you are able to experience this adventure. :)
