Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Sunday Meeting

Sunday, their meeting started at 5. Its weird to leave a Sunday meeting when its dark out. The hall doesnt have any air conditioning  but it was packed. They also have a sign language group that meets at there hall. Rita and jonathan do that. Its spanish sign. They have a large influx of deaf people here.
The hall we so friendly. I just wish I could have spoke to them more. You all know how much I love talking. But if they talked slow we could have a little conversation. They all loved that I spoke english and I was trying to learn spanish.
After the meeting,  we went to Jonathan and Ritas other house and had dinner with a bunch if the brothers.  There is no running water there.
Ritas father gave the talk and he rode in the trunk of the car on the way to the meeting.
The blue basin on the right is where they keep their water. They dont have running water here so it is brought in on trucks. Supossedly potable but no one trusts it. You should see the trucks it comes in. This house is in the territory we were preaching in.
We ended up having over 20 brothers and sisters in this room for dinner.


  1. Did you have to drive far to the meeting? When my parents lived in Mexico they would drive 1 1/2 hr. so they would do all of the meetings on Saturday and Sunday. They would rent a small apartment near the kingdom hall (kind of like the one in your pictures) to stay in for the weekend.

    1. Its like a 45 min drive. And yeah thats why they rent a place uo there. They stay wed night up there and sunday night I think. It does make it a lot more convenient. Especially when you dont have a car

  2. Testimonials: "Truly the funniest/most interesting blog ever!" I like the little gecko. U should bring him home for Meg's lizard collection :)B sure to bring some native music home.

  3. That's insane! We are so spoiled in the States... Makes me think twice about leaving any water running unnecessarily!
